Monday, June 04, 2007

Georgia Fun

While in Georgia it was not all doom and gloom, we tried to make the best of our time there and enjoyed making many fun memories as well. Below are some of those memories...

My cousin Breanna turned 9! She had her birthday at "Hollywood Connections". It's a movie theatre showing only movies for kids (G, PG, PG-13) and in the complex they have rides, arcade, putt-putt, restaurant, and plenty of screaming crazy kids! Fun!!!

Abbey LOVES water! We got there and it was already a "Michigan summer" so we bought a little pool to keep cool. Of course the neighbor came out to the fence a little concerned the "baby" might catch a cold since it was still a chilly 84 degrees. I reassured him we were from MI and were used to cold water and she would be ok. hehe Anyways, I went to turn the hose on and had my back to the pool, by time I turned around Abbey had made herself comfy in the cool water.

Playing in the rain...

Abbey's favorite chair to sit in and watch Elmo...

"Monkey Joes"...aka "Pump it up" Georgia style.

Field Day with Breanna

1 comment:

Kara Miller said...

Great pictures! I am glad you are back on the blogging scene again!