Monday, June 04, 2007

Old Friends

While we were in Georgia we took the opportunity to catch up with some old friends. So as to not impose completely we took the whole weekend to visit with the Carey's! We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to say the least. Oddly our hubbies had similar taste in music and guitars as well. (

They took us to lunch for some quick Mexican food! Always a hit with our family! Shell, if you are reading this...don't forget to try our MI favorite - Qdoba! Mmmmm!!!

Although Abbey is only a mere 5ish months older than Ava...she kept calling Ava...bebe, bebe. "Baby" Ava was adorable and sweet...and a great hostess! Not a fuss over sharing any toys nor her beloved Paci!

Thank you Carey's for a great visit!


Burcham Family said...

Hey Shannon! Looks like you finally caught up on some blogging! Glad to see you are doing well. We've missed you!

Doug, Shelly, Ava and Liam said...

We had great fun with you guys, too! It was so good to see you while we were in MI, too! We'll be sure to look you up when we have a longer visit next time.

I hope you have a great week,