Tuesday, July 29, 2008


A few weeks ago now, Bella went home with my mom. On their way home, as they went through the GREEN light, the intoxicated driver blew threw his RED light. My mom hit his car head on on his passenger side. Bella was in the back seat driver side and Melissa my cousin (up visiting from GA) was in the passenger seat. His car then swung around, hit the back door where Bella was sitting, and proceeded into the telephone pole taking that out.

Bella only received a bad bump on the left side of her head and all over aches...THANK YOU GOD! She has had a few headaches since, but pray these will pass and there is no ongoing affects.

My mom banged her left arm up pretty good, as well as her shins, and is moving slowly. For her I think the emotional stress took more of a toll than anything and will take some time to sort it all out.
My cousin Melissa was 17 weeks pregnant, unfortunately lost the baby due to the trauma from the accident. She also has a bad laceration in her groin area from the seat belt. She had stitches inside and 22 on the outside. She also broke her ankle, had to have 2 screws put in it and will be in a cast for 6-8 weeks. Fortunately the physical wounds will heal, albeit slowly, but they will. As for losing Andrew, having been through this type of loss ourselves, we pray her heart will heal from this loss and God will bless her through this journey.

As for the drunk driver...last we head he was still in a coma, but was able to come off the ventilator. He's 23, has a young son. Beyond that, we do not know much about it. After speaking with the state trooper, he confirmed he was indeed severely intoxicated, and had no priors on his record. As difficult as it is, I really do pray for a full recovery. I know there will be appropriate consequences, but pray this was a life changing/defining moment for him. I have such deep sorrow and sympathy for this man's family. It too has been unfair for them to be on this journey with him. But to be honest I struggle feeling any sorrow or sympathy for him individually. He made a choice, and I understand we all make dumb choices from time to time, but this one took a life and could have taken more. If the life he had taken was our Isabella...would you really ask me to feel sorry or sympathy for him? Maybe one day I will, just not today.

Overall our family was shaken, we are still healing, but praise God for His protection and goodness in the outcome of this accident. I know God is still good had things turned out differently, but so much easier to praise Him in this circumstance than all the others we have imagined.


Anonymous said...

Hey Shannon... Saw your status on fb and came over here to check out what happened! How scary!! I am so thankful that God protected everyone...


Kara Miller said...

Oh my goodness! I am glad everyone seems to be ok. Praying for you all!

Nicole said...

Hey Shannon! I too, saw your FB status and thought maybe you would post some more here... I am soooo glad everyone is ok. How is Bella today? The day after a wreck is always when you feel all the aches. Thank God you have a relatively happy ending to this whole thing!

Shaper of Little Souls said...

You are so right! Thank you GOD! He is our protector. My heart goes out to you all! What a horrible scare!

Blessings and healthing phsyically and emotionally!