Friday, September 07, 2007

Where oh where oh where is Abbey?

So, one might wonder...what do we do without Bella at home now!? Well, Abbey has been coming in and takes off for her bedroom to play with her HERSELF! The other day I was finishing off the dishes and could hear her singing softly in her room, quite cherub like I might add. And so I went to investigate and listen without being seen. Well I got to her room and didn't see her in it, but could hear her. As she heard me make a noise, so began our new game...where oh where oh where is Abbey.

This first photo demonstrates how sufficiently she can now open her closet doors and hide inside. Somehow she gets it shut all the way without pinching those little hands.

And then she throws the door open, giggles and says Boo! And then we repeat of course!

After a few rounds of's time for a snack and a break for one of her favorite shows...the Backyardigans.


Kara Miller said...

so fun! Brynn loves the Backyardigans ... we have many of their products. They even make a drinkable yougurt that we started buying her.

Chrystal & Kevin said...

I bet you're enjoying the extra time alone. Do you want to babysit mine more often now? ha ha

Angie Bruce said...

Sounds about like my new routine with Siana now that Kyra's in school. Except that most of the time, Siana is in her sissy's room unhindered. =) But seriously, we're not old enough to have Kindergarteners yet!!! =) Where does the time go???