Monday, June 04, 2007

Anne Shannon, Grandma Shannon, Granny, Friend, Foe...

I am struggling to write this blog entry...

You see my Grandma was not a nice person. Oh sure, there were those she knew outside of the family that thought the world of her, thought she was generous, kind, thoughtful, sweet, and so on. Those of us close to her knew the real Anne Shannon. Anne Shannon hurt many in her lifetime...her daughters, grand-daughters, siblings, husband, friends, and so on. She hurt all of us with her words, lies, betrayals, etc.

So when I got a call on Easter Sunday on my cell phone, from her house, I knew. I did not shed a tear for Anne and felt no sorrow. I felt relief that her journey on earth had come to an end. I only felt anxious of what would lie ahead...funeral preparations, managing her estate, and how everything was going to "go down" so to say.

Well this is how it went down...

Loaded up the car and drove down with my girls and mom to Georgia thinking we'd be there about 3-4 weeks. Enough time to have a funeral, have an estate sale and clean the house out ready to be sold. You see...last I knew I was the executor of her will, and had been deeded her home with rights of survivorship. The house was and is still mine legally, the will...well she voided it complicating things a bit. But for now, paperwork and probate are in process and I am now "administrator" of her estate.

So back to how it all went down...
I really don't know how to sum up my time spent say the least drama, drama, DRAMA!!! If you want'll have to ask. But to suffice, my trip there came at the cost of a relationship...while other relationships grew and have become even more cherished than they were before. Grandma created drama while alive and made sure there would be plenty of drama once she was gone.

This blog topic will evolve I am sure...

1 comment:

Kara Miller said...

Thanks for sharing and being honest - even for a death situation, that is refreshing.