Thursday, March 01, 2007

Date night with Daddy

At preschool last week they had a "Dinner with Dad". So I explained to Bella she was going to go on a date with Daddy just like Mommy does sometimes. So I asked what she wanted to wear...a dress, of course! So we laid out all the dresses and she settled on one. Then she asked if she could curl her hair to look pretty "like you do on your date's with Daddy." So we did the hair, nail polish, a touch of make-up, perfume...all the girly stuff!


Kara Graves said...

awe, how sweet! Daddy-Daughter dates have always been one of my favorites!

Doug, Shelly, Ava and Liam said...


I am so glad I found your blog! (It took me a minute or two. :-)) Your girls are absolutely adorable! It was so good to see you, even if quickly, over Christmas.

My how fast these little ones grow!

Keep in touch!
