Monday, February 25, 2008


So what kind of friend invites her friends over for a girls night and makes them move her furniture around!? I do! The least I can do is thank you publicly...Thank You Dawn, Amy, Laura, and Dana!

Isn't little Nolie cannoli cute with his pink paci! Nolan is quite the trooper, he lets me get my baby fix and snuggles as needed! Yummy!

What better to do on a snow day then go sledding with best friends!

When in doubt, do as the penguins do, right!?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A friend til the end...

How does one begin to sum up a 23 year long friendship? How many of us can say we even nurtured a friendship for that long!?

When I was 10, Heidi moved in a few doors down from me. It wasn't long before we were having sleep overs, playing on each other porches, and enjoying getting to know one another. Since we lived in a townhouse community one of our favorite night time activities was ding-dong-ditch! Little did I know this would begin our 23 year long friendship expanding through high school, college, til today.

The list of things I could be thankful for in my friendship with Heidi is without limits, but most of all I was blessed by her and her family for inviting me and taking me to church with them. If there was church, we were there...Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night and anything else in-between. Really! God used Heidi, her family, and the church we grew up at to raise me up in the Lord. For that I am forever grateful!

It was quite obvious at her memorial service how deeply she was loved and will be missed by many. I pray God's words to her are...Well done good and faithful servant!

Holiday Catch Up

If most of you know us as you say things have been dull and boring just doesn't seem to fit our life. God has thrown some blessings at us which we are grateful for...and also some heartbreak. It's been awhile since I posted so will do a little catching up.

Christmas this year was great! Jorge's brother Tono came to visit and brought along his girlfriend Betsy. We cherished our time with them and enjoyed welcoming Besty into our family. Apparently they want to get married! So definitely some exciting times are coming.

Santa brought both girls exactly what they were asking for, can it get any better!? Bella in particular wanted a "Baby Alive" that drinks water then goes pee pee! I suppose it's a girly thing to do...I remember asking Santa for one when I was little too.

We also FINALLY finished the basement AGAIN. Following an ice storm last January ('07), the neighbor's limb fell on our house, knocking out the power, faulting the sump pumps which allowed a more than generous amount of water to fill our basement! So, a lot of muscle, help, a back up system, new carpet, and de-humidifier we have basement again! Both the girls and their friends are loving it! Overall...a good holiday and a happy new year to boot!