It's official, we are the proud parents of a Kindergartner! Jorge stayed home the extra day so we could see her through her first day. The night before she picked out her clothes to wear..note the purse as well.

She was pretty excited to get in there and check everything out...Abbey made herself at home as well. Of course she came home and we asked...did you have snack, go outside, color, listen to a story, learn the new rules, etc etc etc. All of which she said no to. So I then asked...basically, you didn't do anything at your new school today huh? Nope! I actually had to find out at the bus stop this morning from another mom all the fun things they did! Go figure!

She rode the bus her 2
nd day of school. On the way to the bus stop I told her I wanted to take a picture of her getting on the bus and she said
ok...then said, uh, no, maybe not. What!? Deny your mother a photographic moment! No way! Told her I was going to anyways! So this look is the "if you must humiliate me in front of ALL these people" look.
Oy Vey...I am becoming my mother!
(she was a picture freak!)
Also on the way home from her 1st day of school we stopped for cider and donuts...a fun new tradition perhaps!
All in all, so far so good! And so begins a new journey in the Flores family!